
The 11th China International Orthopedic Implants and Biomaterials Conference & Expo

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BoneTec-China 年度活动旨在搭建促进与骨科内植物与生物材料相关领域的贸易合作与技术交流的国际化平台。





上海广贸会展服务有限公司始终坚持以“BE THE BEST-追求卓越”为价值观和己任,通过我们高素质、国际化的专业团队,协同全球相关政府部门、行业协会组织及传媒机构等合作伙伴,致力于为医学与生命科学界提供高品质的国际化专业会议与展览会。


广贸会展目前在生物医用材料、再生医学、生物医药、生物技术、骨科领域有6大系列会议与展览活动:BIO-CHINA 系列活动(中国国际生物医用材料大会暨展览会)、WRC-CHINA系列活动 世界细胞治疗与再生医学大会暨展览会)、BoneTec-China 系列活动(中国国际骨科内植物与生物材料大会暨展览会)、ORS-CHINA 系列活动(中国国际骨科研究大会暨展览会)、BIOEXPO-CHINA 系列活动(中国国际生物医药大会暨展览会)、BIOTEC-CHINA系列活动 中国国际生物技术大会暨展览会







2/F.No.58Lane 158.BaochengRoad. Minhang,Shanghai.P.R.China 邮编: 201100 


Mobile:13817254690  微信同手机号

Email: info@gmexpo.net


Shanghai Guang Mao Exhibition Services Inc.

About Us:


Shanghai Guang Mao Exhibition Services Inc(G&M Expo)  is a professional medical and life science international conference and exhibition organizer specializing in the Biomaterial,regenerative medicine,biotechnology and orthopedic areas. We focus our events in mainland China and embrace “BE THE BEST” as the corporate value and mission. Empowered with in-depth knowledge and expertise,our international team of professionals applies best practices in organising international conference and exhibition through our global network and collaboration with partners, including government bodies asociations/organisations and media. 

In our focused area, we have all together 6 series of events, they are BoneTec-China series(China International Orthopedic Implants and Biomaterials Conference & Expo), ORS-CHINA series(China International Orthopedic Research Conference & Expo),BIOEXPO-CHINA series(China International BioPharma Conference & Exhibition),BIO-CHINA series(China International Biomaterials Conference & Exhibition),WRC-CHINA series  (World Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Conference & Exhibition), BIOTEC-CHINA series (China International Biotechnology Conference & Exhibition).

G&M Expo follows the pace of the global trend in the conference and exhibition industry through several innovations,thereby effectively meet the need of all participants.

Our mission: Be the Best

Our mission and value is to provide the best products possible and the best service possible, and to create an excellent future together with our clients through constant innovation and perseverance. "Be the Best" is our goal and this serves as the driving force and the compass that guides our staff in their daily work. This spirit also inspires everyone in the organisation to pursue excellence, self-transcendence and self-realisation. Although many of our products and services have helped us become a market leader, our mission to "Be the Best" requires that we face our future development and growth with "a driving attitude".
