Mohammad Elahinia确定参会并做大会报告
Dr. Elahinia is a University Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Chair in the Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering (MIME) Department at The University of Toledo. He graduated with his doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in August 2004. After graduation, he joined the faculty of the Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Department, where he is the director for the Dynamic and Smart Systems Laboratory. He was promoted to the rank Associate Professor with tenure in 2010 and Professor in 2015. Dr. Elahinia’s research interests are advance manufacturing, modeling, control and design of smart and active materials with an emphasis on additive manufacturing of functional materials such as shape memory alloys for aerospace and biomedical application.
Dr. Elahinia has served as the investigator for more than $26 million of external grants. He has been the major advisor for 58 graduate students. Seven of his former students are professors at other universities. To disseminate his research findings, Dr. Elahinia‘s publications have been cited more than 7000 time. Dr. Elahinia has also been active and engaged in the professional societies. In 2004 Dr. Elahinia was elected a member of the ASME/SPIE Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Branch under the Aerospace Division. He has since served in several other elected positions including the chair of the branch. This branch has more than 1500 members. Dr. Elahinia serves as an associate editor for four journals in his area of research: Smart Material Research, The Scientific World Journal, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures as well as the Journal of Shock and Vibration.
Additive Manufacturing of Shape Memory Alloys as Bone Implants: from Design to Clinic
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