
The 11th China International Orthopedic Implants and Biomaterials Conference & Expo

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美国塔芙茨大学教授陈锦坤确定参加BoneTec-China 2017 并做大会报告
来源:BoneTec-China 2017 | 作者:叶芬 | 发布时间: 2017-04-05 | 5896 次浏览 | 分享到:
陈锦坤教授确定参加BoneTec-China 2017 并做大会报告
陈锦坤教授确定参加BoneTec-China 2017 并做大会报告


 Dr. Jake (Jinkun) Chen is a Professor and Director of Division of Oral Biology at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine.  He is also a Professor in the Dept. of Anatomy and Cell Biology at Tufts School of Medicine and Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences.  He received his dental training from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (DDS) and Tufts University (DMD) the University of Connecticut Masters Degree of Dental Science and an Oral Pathology Certificate), and the University of Toronto in Canada (PhD).  Dr. Chen became a tenured professor in 1998. Dr. Chen is the Guest Professor at seven foreign prominent universities.  

Dr. Chen has been supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) RO1 grants since 1994. Dr. Chen has published over 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals.  His research laboratory has focused on the following four areas: 1. Gene expression and regulation in bone development and formation using transgenics, signal transduction pathway, small RNA techniques and epigenetics; 2. Using adult stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to engineer and regenerate bone tissues; 3. Translational studies including treatment for bone disorders in diabetic and obese patients, bone metastasis of breast cancer and osseointegration of bone implants; 4. Application of nanomaterials in cell based gene therapy. Over 40 students, post-doctoral fellows and visiting scholars have worked in Chen Laboratory.  Dr. Chen has been invited to lecture at universities and industry companies in the US and globally.

中文:陈锦坤 Jake Jinkun Chen, DMD, MDS, PhD, FACD),1982年毕业于上海交通大学,后获美国塔芙茨大学牙医博士,康州大学硕士及加拿大多伦多大学博士学位, 现任美国塔芙茨大学牙医学院终身教授兼口腔生物学部主任, 塔芙茨大学医学院解剖系教授及SACKLER生物科学研究院教授,博導,陈锦坤博士同时又是中国六所著名大学的客座教授。 多年来,他始终注重于和疾病相关的基础研究,坚持运用基础研究成果在转化及再生医学中。二十年多年来其科研经费全部来自美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)。多年来也是中國國家自然科学基金委员会(重点项目)海外評審员。先后有四十多位中国学者,研究生、博士后,高年资医师,高级访问学者到陈锦坤教授在波士顿的实验室学习、工作,进修与合作。 在他目前的学术休假中(Sabbatical Leave)陈教授在日本京都大学担任访问学者。 


Translational Studies: Bone Wound Repair and Tissue Regeneration


BoneTec-China 2017 作为国内骨科内植物与生物材料领域最专业会议与展览,目前已经确定来自美国、法国、德国、韩国等多家企业参会参展。来自国内的多家医院、科研机构、高校、投融资机构也纷纷报名参会参观。
 BoneTec-China 2017 热诚欢迎您的参与!


